As per the latest statistics of the NCOC, a total of 51,236 tests were conducted in the country during the last 24 hours, of which 4,027 came back positive. The country’s positivity rate now stands at 7.8%.
Statistics 16 Jan 22:
— NCOC (@OfficialNcoc) January 16, 2022
Total Tests in Last 24 Hours: 51,236
Positive Cases: 4027
Positivity %: 7.8%
Deaths :9
Patients on Critical Care: 752
Meanwhile, nine more patients succumbed to the virus during the same period and the condition of 752 patients was stated to be critical.
A day earlier, Pakistan had reported 4,286 daily COVID-19 cases — the highest number of cases since August 25, 2021.
The positivity ratio also shot up to 8.16%, the highest since August 11, when 52,522 tests were conducted across the country, according to the NCOC data.
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